Improving the Lightning

Inspiration happens, yes. Like a strike of lightning yes. And there’s a lot of work to express that inspiration into the world. It takes a lot, taking the inspiration through the paces of Experimenting, Crafting, and finally Publishing. It takes a lot.

When does inspiration hit?

In this chapter, Rick talks about paying attention to when lightning strikes, when inspiration hits. Maybe if we pay attention, we can get ourselves into those states more often.

For myself, I notice I’m inspired when I’m writing. I journal to understand my past and discover my future. And I love putting the words in just the right order. And I’ve been journaling so much this year.

I notice I’m inspired when I’m working on my projects. I often need to choose between fresh inspiration, or inspiration from 5 minutes ago, which is also quite fresh. My mind is open and ready to receive ideas at this time, and wow do I.

And of course, I’m inspired often in the shower. In the shower it’s so easy to gently hold an idea in mind without squeezing the life out of it. And the idea can take shape at it’s own pace.

What happens after inspiration hits?

And what happens after lightning strikes me? Does it dissipate into nothing? Does it enter the canon of good art pieces?

Taking inventory of this was a little painful. I’ve had so much inspiration in my life that stays only in my head. Or only in a draft. Perhaps I had too high hopes for those ideas, and a quick blog post would be all that’s needed. XKCD shows us that even plain stick figures can convey enough creativity to be loved and communicate meaning. I know nothing is ever truly wasted, and I still mourn what could have been if I only had a bit more time.

And when I do publish something, is it really as good as it could be? I know I favor getting an idea published over getting an idea perfect. And that’s my bias. Hannah is much better at editing, and doesn’t like to publish as much as me. And we’re either a great team or each other’s demise. I have an easier time editing my writing, compared to say, recording another take of a TikTok. Which is one reason I’m leaning into the blogging a little bit more this year.

On the flip side, I also celebrate everything I have published. I’m so happy for how Underway has turned out, how my scenery stream has turned out.


When improving the flow of lightning in one form, that creates a bond with that form. And I reckon I can only be great at a few different forms. Certainly not all forms. (I keep saying, painting would be a lot of fun, but I need to say no to something.) I am ready tho, to implement an app idea, or a quote with a graphic, or a blog post, or a long-shot of NYC scenery. I have the experience and equipment to readily pump through inspiration with those forms.

And that’s one benefit of loyalty. As I stay loyal to the media of apps, graphics, blog posts, and scenery, I get better at them. My process improves. The inspiration flows faster, and better from idea to publishing. If I over-diversify, like also try to pick up painting, then my efforts might become watered down, and not pack the same punch. Although even someone as great as Michael Jordan tried out baseball, for a time. So of course I keep dabbling in other media. It’s too much fun! And I’m ok with just having fun.

Loyalty is a tricky concept for me. At times, it enables me to complete deeper projects. And other times, I prevent myself from trying new things in order to stay loyal.


This was such a short chapter, and I feel like there could be a book full of advice on each of the three sections here. At any rate, for myself, I’ll continue thinking about when inspiration strikes, what I do with it, and if I stay loyal or not. There’s not wrong answers here, only what suits me for my own creative act.